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Church Recognized


SCAP is duly recognized by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Episcopal Commission on Youth (ECY) as a collaborator and partner in Youth Ministry and an active member of the Federation of National Youth Organizations (FNYO) and affiliated with the International Young Christian Students (IYCS).


International Affiliation


The International Young Christian Students (IYCS), SCAP international affiliation, is a global movement found in 80 countries all over the 7 regions of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and North America.  The IYCS International Secretariat is based in Paris, France.

IYCS is recognized by the Vatican and the United Nations (UN).  It has a consultative status at UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and operational relations with UNESCO.  It suggests interventions and lobbies particularly on issues concerning youth, education, human rights, development and gender.


Local Affiliation


The Federation of National Youth Organizations (FNYO), founded in the late 90's is recognized by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines - Episcopal Commission on Youth (CBCP-ECY).  With its unique nature, FNYO represents to the National Youth Coordinating Council (NYCC) as a region, speaking in behalf of its member-organizations, which are recognized as dioceses.  There are 17 affiliated member-organizations to FNYO.  At present, SCAP is the elected FNYO Council Liaison. 


Having varied charisms and unique ways of doing things BUT working for one mission that is evangelization, members of FNYO believe that truly there can be unity in diversity as the FNYO motto says: "Iisa kahit magkakaiba".

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